List of Visualizers

The following non-container visualizers are currently available. They all derive from BaseVisualizer.

CrackedEdgeVisualizer([width, connective_dims])

Visualize the boundaries of a segmentation.


Combine two input images, displaying one above and one below the diagonal.


Visualizer that returns the tensor passed to it.


Same as IdentityVisualizer, but acting on ‘image’.


Same as IdentityVisualizer, but acting on ‘input’.


Visualize the Mean Squared Error (MSE) between two tensors (e.g.

MaskVisualizer(mask_label, **super_kwargs)

Returns a mask that is 1 where the input image equals the mask label passed at initialization, and 0 elsewhere

MaskedPcaVisualizer([ignore_label, …])

Version of PcaVisualizer that allows for an ignore mask.

NormVisualizer([order, dim])

Visualize the norm of a tensor, along a given direction (by default over the channels).

PcaVisualizer([n_components, joint_specs])

PCA Visualization of high dimensional embedding tensor.


Same as IdentityVisualizer, but acting on ‘prediction’.


Visualize the input tensor as RGB images.


Same as IdentityVisualizer, but acting on ‘segmentation’.


Same as IdentityVisualizer, but acting on ‘target’.

ThresholdVisualizer(threshold[, mode])

Returns a mask resulting from thresholding the input tensor.

TsneVisualizer([joint_dims, n_components])

tSNE Visualization of high dimensional embedding tensor.

UmapVisualizer([joint_dims, n_components, …])

UMAP Visualization of high dimensional embedding tensor.

UpsamplingVisualizer(specs[, shape, factors])

Upsample a tensor along a list of axis (specified via specs) to a specified shape, by a list of specified factors or the shape of a reference tensor (given as an optional argument to visualize).

These are the available visualizers combining multiple visualizations. Their base class is the ContainerVisualizer.

ColumnVisualizer(*super_args, **super_kwargs)

Visualizer that arranges outputs of child visualizers in a grid of images, with different child visualizations stacked horizontally (side by side).

ImageGridVisualizer([row_specs, …])

Visualizer that arranges outputs of child visualizers in a grid of images.

OverlayVisualizer(*super_args, **super_kwargs)

Visualizer that overlays the outputs of its child visualizers on top of each other, using transparency based on the alpha channel.


Riffles the outputs of its child visualizers along specified dimension.

RowVisualizer(*super_args, **super_kwargs)

Visualizer that arranges outputs of child visualizers in a grid of images, with different child visualizations stacked vertically.


Stacks the outputs of its child visualizers along specified dimension.